You are currently viewing Shalakany’s Newsflash – May & June 2024

Shalakany’s Newsflash – May & June 2024

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We are proud to share our latest monthly newsflashes covering 6 important topics with insights from Senior Partners, Dr. Moataz El Mahdy and Omar Sherif, and Partners, Mostafa El Zeky and Sherry El Shalakany and Associates, Alexandra Arida, Mohamed Nour, Malak Mounir and Zaina Morad.
The subjects covered in our newsflashes are:
– Ministry of Local Development Decree No. 247 of 2024 Announcing New Closing and Opening Hours
– Egyptian Drug Authority Suspends Applications for Drug Store Licenses for 6 Months
– Licensing Requirements for Marinas, River Ports and Non-Motorized River Units
– Ministry of Supply and Internal Trade Decree No. 90 of 2024
– Ministry of Trade and Industry streamlines export procedures
– Ministry of Trade and Industry Promotes Environmentally-Friendly Exports