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New Decision on Work Permits

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On 11 On 16 July 2019, the Minister of Manpower issued Decision No. 146 of 2019 (referred to as “the Decision”) by virtue of which decision No. 305 of 2015 was amended and modified in several sections.

Changes in the Work Permit issuing Authority

The new Decision obliges non-Egyptians to obtain Work Permits either from the competent Ministry and/or its subordinate directorates, or from Work Permit offices established in other administrative bodies. In order for these entities to issue a work permit, they must be satisfied that the concerned individual is authorized to enter the Egyptian territory and to reside therein for work purposes.

The Work Permit Exemption

The new decision reduces the conditions for Work Permit Exemptions for non-Egyptians. In Article 2 of the Decision, the Minister of Manpower specifies eight exemptions contrary to Decision No. 305 for 2015 in which there were ten exemptions. The new Decision removes two categories of exemptions: interns for training within the period of their education for a period not exceeding six months, and non-Egyptians seeking to work for a period of one day or a few days.

On the other hand, the new Decision obliges non-Egyptians willing to work for one day or a few days to pay a fee equal to ten percent of their salary with a minimum fee of EGP 8,000 and a maximum of EGP 50,000 for each time period worked separately and must have a written approval from the competent authority.

The new Decision in Article ten exempts all non-Egyptians who benefit from an international convention to which Egypt is a contracting party from paying any fees. However, the exemption of paying the fees must be clearly provided in the convention.

The Fees

Work Permit fees have been increased according to the following:

Year Fees
1st year EGP 5,000
2nd year EGP 6,000
3rd year EGP 7,000
4th year EGP 10,000
5th year EGP 11,000
6th year EGP 12,000
7th year EGP 15,000
8th year EGP 16,000
9th year EGP 17,000
10th year EGP 18,000
11th year EGP 20,000

Furthermore, after the end of the 11th year, an increase of EGP 2,000 is applied for every following year up to a maximum of EGP 50,000.

Others Changes to the Decisions

Moreover, any non-Egyptian working without a Work Permit may request the Minister of Manpower to issue a Work Permit on the condition of paying a fee of EGP 15,000 for every year from the date of their entry into the country.

The new Decision has changed the payment method from cheques to electronic payment. Electronic payment will facilitate that non-Egyptians employees pay their fees.

Further, the new Decision stipulates that in case a Work Permit card is lost or damaged, non-Egyptian employees may request a new card from the issuing authority after paying a fee of EGP 400.
The new Decision obliges the competent authority to prepare a database with all information about non-Egyptian Employees.