Shalakany is delighted to announce that it will be organizing and administering this year’s Jessup National Rounds in Egypt as Mr. Adam El Shalakany received the Steven Schneebaum Award for Outstanding National Administrator.
This competition is open to Law students and Political Science Students.
The Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition ‘Jessup’ is the largest moot court competition in the World. The International Law Students Association ‘ILSA’ is the international body organizing the Jessup.
The Jessup tackles issues of public international law that would come before the International Court of Justice ‘ICJ’. To learn more about the competition visit the Jessup website and White & Case website…/jessup-competitors-guide….
Due to the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, and the health and safety of the Jessup Community being a top priority, ILSA’s Board of Directors approved a plan for a fully virtual Jessup Competition 2021.
The Jessup problem is drafted and inspired by current legal events such as the use of force in international relations, humanitarian law, environmental law, cultural and heritage artifacts, laws of the seas, international arbitration or a combination of more than one issue.
The 2021 Jessup Problem will concern a global pandemic, and the obligations and responses of States with respect to the outbreak.
Due to the on-going circumstances, all teams who will complete their registration by the deadline, pay the registration fee, and submit memorials will be invited to take part in the 2021 Global Rounds. We strongly encourage teams to participate in the National Rounds in order to benefit from the opportunity of practicing their arguments and otherwise benefiting from the valuable experience of a National Round.
After Jessup has awarded Mr. Adam El Shalakany with the Steven Schneebaum Award for Outstanding National Administrator, it pleases Shalakany to be organizing and administering this year’s National Rounds in Egypt.
This competition is open to Law students and Political Science Students.
To participate in Jessup, please select a team of five members and register your team here
If you have any questions on the competition or the registration, please send an email and
The deadline for registration and payment of the registration fee is November 20th, 2020.
N.B: Shalakany encourages the teams to register as soon as possible as the Jessup issue has been released.